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System stats:
Data actuality:certificates: 12.02.2025 applications: 19.02.2025 System stores: certificates: applications: Average search time: 80,63 sec. |
Trademark search system ZNAKI.RU provides services on online search in database of trademarks and applications filed within the Russian Patent Office (Rospatent), international applications and WIPO registrations valid in the territory of Russian Federation.
The database of trademarks and applications contains about a million of registered designations as well as applications under registration process.
Sign up in the System and you will be able to conduct online searches in database immediately!
Compared to other companies which conduct trademark searches we have a number of benefits:
- The trademark search system conducts search both for registered trademarks (open registers), and actual applications for registration.
- Taking into account that registration of one designation takes 12-20 months, the search among applications is a necessary functionality for searches conducting.
- ZNAKI.RU carries out fast online search (within a few seconds) for a designation at low price:
- Search for identity: 100 rubles (1.50 EUR) of 5 ICGS classes,
- Search for identity and similarity: 500 rubles (8 EUR) of 5 ICGS classes. (see section “Cost of services”).
For comparison: official search for a trademark in the Patent Office of Russian Federation is carried out within 30 working days at cost 150-250 EUR.
- The trademark search system conducts search both for registered trademarks (open registers), and actual applications for registration.
- After the search is conducted you are able to download a report with the search results including only necessary trademarks therein. The report cane be formed both in Russian and in English. Images of designations may also be included into the report.
- Our online system carries out thorough and extended search for a designation, including search for identity and similarity. For more information on search types see page “Cost of services”.
- Our company possess a unique experience on trademark search in Russian Federation: the Trademark Database used at searches was the first trademark database in Russia (registration numbers №2010620155 in the state register of databases, and №№ 2010611605, 2015613476 in state register of programs in Rospatent FIPS FGU).