ZNAKI.RU: Trademark search system
ZNAKI.RU: trademark search database
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The system ZNAKI.RU allows to conduct online trademark searches in respect of word element. The scope of trademark search is trademarks and applications filed with the Russian PTO, as well as international applications and registrations at WIPO designated for the territory of Russian Federation.
Our online service ZNAKI.RU provides a possibility to:
- Find a designation or its separate element in the Trademark Database,
- Conduct searches both among registered trademarks and trademark applications,
- Conduct searches among invalid trademarks,
- Obtain a professional report with the search results within a few seconds.
You may start immediately: create your personal account in our system, refill your account, and proceed to trademark search in the Database of registered trademarks and trademark applications.
Advantages of the trademark search system ZNAKI.RU
- Trademark search is carried out among certificates and applications filed with the Russian PTO as well as among WIPO international applications and registrations designating Russian Federation
- Always up-to-date database of trademarks and applications (the database is updated daily, within the day of publication of the relevant information by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of Russian Federation),
- Trademark search is processed within a few seconds among more than million of trademarks (average time of response to the query: 2 to 9 seconds),
- Available history of all your previous searches, even if the balance of the account is zero,
- Any classes of the Nice Classification,
- Immediate generation and download of full report on the search results, in Russian and English, with the images included,
- Unique search algorithms that incorporated results of more than 20 years of work in the field of intellectual property
Sign up now, top up your balance and proceed to trademark searches!